2 Chronicles

Chapter 9

1 And when the queen4436 of Sheba7614 heard8085 of the fame8088 of Solomon,8010 she came935 to prove5254 Solomon8010 with hard2420 questions2420 at Jerusalem,3389 with a very3966 great3515 company,2428 and camels1581 that bore5375 spices,1314 and gold2091 in abundance,7230 and precious3368 stones:68 and when she was come935 to Solomon,8010 she communed1696 with him of all3605 that was in her heart.3824

2 And Solomon8010 told5046 her all3605 her questions:1697 and there was nothing3808 1697 hid5956 from Solomon8010 which834 he told5046 her not.

3 And when the queen4436 of Sheba7614 had seen7200 the wisdom2451 of Solomon,8010 and the house1004 that he had built,1129

4 And the meat3978 of his table,7979 and the sitting4186 of his servants,5650 and the attendance4612 of his ministers,8334 and their apparel;4403 his cupbearers4945 also, and their apparel;4403 and his ascent5944 by which834 he went5927 up into the house1004 of the LORD;3068 there was no3808 more5750 spirit7307 in her.

5 And she said559 to the king,4428 It was a true571 report1697 which834 I heard8085 in my own land776 of your acts,1697 and of your wisdom:2451

6 However, I believed539 not their words,1697 until5704 I came,935 and my eyes5869 had seen7200 it: and, behold,2009 the one half2677 of the greatness4768 of your wisdom2451 was not told5046 me: for you exceed3254 the fame8052 that I heard.8085

7 Happy835 are your men,582 and happy835 are these428 your servants,5650 which stand5975 continually8548 before6440 you, and hear8085 your wisdom.2451

8 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 delighted2654 in you to set5414 you on5921 his throne,3678 to be king4428 for the LORD3068 your God:430 because your God430 loved160 Israel,3478 to establish5975 them for ever,5769 therefore made5414 he you king4428 over5921 them, to do6213 judgment4941 and justice.6666

9 And she gave5414 the king4428 an hundred3967 and twenty6242 talents3603 of gold,2091 and of spices1314 great3966 abundance,7230 and precious3368 stones:68 neither3808 was there any such1932 spice1314 as the queen4436 of Sheba7614 gave5414 king4428 Solomon.8010

10 And the servants5650 also1571 of Huram,2438 and the servants5650 of Solomon,8010 which834 brought935 gold2091 from Ophir,211 brought935 algum418 trees6086 and precious3368 stones.68

11 And the king4428 made6213 of the algum418 trees6086 terraces4546 to the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and to the king's4428 palace,1004 and harps3658 and psalteries5035 for singers:7891 and there were none3808 such1992 seen7200 before6440 in the land776 of Judah.3063

12 And king4428 Solomon8010 gave5414 to the queen4436 of Sheba7614 all3605 her desire,2656 whatever3605 she asked,7592 beside905 that which834 she had brought935 to the king.4428 So she turned,2015 and went3212 away to her own land,776 she and her servants.5650

13 Now the weight4948 of gold2091 that came935 to Solomon8010 in one259 year8141 was six8337 hundred3967 and three score8346 and six8337 talents3603 of gold;2091

14 Beside905 that which chapmen582 8446 and merchants5503 brought.935 And all3605 the kings4428 of Arabia6152 and governors6346 of the country776 brought935 gold2091 and silver3701 to Solomon.8010

15 And king4428 Solomon8010 made6213 two hundred3967 targets6793 of beaten7820 gold:2091 six8337 hundred3967 shekels of beaten7820 gold2091 went5927 to one259 target.6793

16 And three7969 hundred3967 shields4043 made he of beaten7820 gold:2091 three7969 hundred3967 shekels of gold2091 went5927 to one259 shield.4043 And the king4428 put5414 them in the house1004 of the forest3293 of Lebanon.3844

17 Moreover the king4428 made6213 a great1419 throne3678 of ivory,8127 and overlaid6823 it with pure2889 gold.2091

18 And there were six8337 steps4609 to the throne,3678 with a footstool3534 of gold,2091 which were fastened270 to the throne,3678 and stays3027 on each side of the sitting3427 place,4725 and two8147 lions738 standing5975 by the stays:3027

19 And twelve8147 6240 lions738 stood5975 there8033 on the one side and on the other2088 on the six8337 steps.4609 There was not the like3651 made6213 in any3605 kingdom.4467

20 And all3605 the drinking4945 vessels3627 of king4428 Solomon8010 were of gold,2091 and all3605 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of the forest3293 of Lebanon3844 were of pure5462 gold:2091 none369 were of silver;3701 it was not any3972 thing accounted2803 of in the days3117 of Solomon.8010

21 For the king's4428 ships591 went1980 to Tarshish8659 with the servants5650 of Huram:2438 every three7969 years8141 once259 came935 the ships591 of Tarshish8659 bringing5375 gold,2091 and silver,3701 ivory,8143 and apes,6971 and peacocks.8500

22 And king4428 Solomon8010 passed1431 all3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 in riches6239 and wisdom.2451

23 And all3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 sought1245 the presence6440 of Solomon,8010 to hear8085 his wisdom,2451 that God430 had put5414 in his heart.3820

24 And they brought935 every man376 his present,4503 vessels3627 of silver,3701 and vessels3627 of gold,2091 and raiment,8008 harness,5402 and spices,1314 horses,5483 and mules,6505 a rate1697 year8141 by year.8141

25 And Solomon8010 had1961 four702 thousand7239 505 stalls723 for horses5483 and chariots,4818 and twelve8147 6240 thousand7239 505 horsemen;6571 whom he bestowed3240 in the chariot7393 cities,5892 and with the king4428 at Jerusalem.3389

26 And he reigned4910 over all3605 the kings4428 from the river5104 even to the land776 of the Philistines,6430 and to the border1366 of Egypt.4714

27 And the king4428 made5414 silver3701 in Jerusalem3389 as stones,68 and cedar730 trees made5414 he as the sycomore8256 trees that are in the low8219 plains8219 in abundance.7230

28 And they brought3318 to Solomon8010 horses5483 out of Egypt,4714 and out of all3605 lands.776

29 Now the rest7605 of the acts1697 of Solomon,8010 first7223 and last,314 are they not written3789 in the book1697 of Nathan5416 the prophet,5030 and in the prophecy5016 of Ahijah281 the Shilonite,7888 and in the visions2378 of Iddo3260 the seer2374 against5921 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat?5028

30 And Solomon8010 reigned4427 in Jerusalem3389 over5921 all3605 Israel3478 forty705 years.8141

31 And Solomon8010 slept7901 with his fathers,1 and he was buried6912 in the city5892 of David1732 his father:25 and Rehoboam7346 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478



1 示巴女王、聞所羅門名、遄往耶路撒冷欲以言難王、僕從甚衆、有駝載芬芳之品、及金玉、難以悉計、入覲所羅門、以己意诘之。

2 所羅門隨問而答、無所不知、明皙以告。

3 示巴女王、見所羅門智慧具備、又觀其所建之殿、

4 筵席臚陳、僕役班列、臣工酒正、衣朝服而侍、及耶和華殿所奉之燔祭、則神爲之奪。

5 告王曰、彼邑聞爾作爲、與爾智慧、其言不虛、

6 我初不信、及我涖臨、目擊斯事、乃知所聞猶不及所見之半也、爾之智慧全備、較我所聞、尤覺其多。

7 爾羣臣、爾僕役、恒侍爾前、聞爾智慧、甚有福祉。

8 當頌美爾上帝耶和華、以爾爲悅、使繼國位、代耶和華以臨民、因爾上帝恒愛以色列族、俾爾爲王、秉厥公義、以聽其訟。

9 示巴女王、饋所羅門金十八萬、以及寶石、更獻芬芳之品、不可勝數、前此未有若是之多也。

10 希蘭之僕、偕所羅門僕、自阿妃載金玉檀木。

11 王以之作闌、飾於耶和華殿、及王宮、又作琴鼗爲謳歌者所用、自昔以來、在猶大地、未見若是之木。

12 所羅門以物饋示巴女王、任其所欲、無論何求、皆以遺贈、厥後女王、與其臣僕返國。

13 除商賈與亞喇伯王、及列邦牧伯、貿易之金而外、所羅門歲得金九十九萬九千兩。

14 併於上節

15 所羅門王以金之次者、作盾二百、每盾三百兩、

16 又用以作干三百、每干一百五十兩、王置之於宅、其宅曰利巴嫩林。

17 王用象牙作大座、飾以兼金、

18 座之階級有六、足凳與座相連、亦以金製、左右有柄、柄旁刻獅像、

19 階級左右亦如之、共十有二、他國未能頡頏。

20 所羅門王所飲之杯、悉以金製、利巴嫩林宅中所有器皿不以銀作、皆係兼金、當所羅門時、人弗以銀爲貴重。

21 希蘭僕駕王舟、至大失、三年一歸、載金銀象牙、猿猴、孔雀。

22 所羅門之智慧貨財、甲天下列王。

23 上帝賦所羅門智慧、天下列王、咸求見焉。

24 各饋禮物、歲有金銀、器皿、衣服、甲胄、芬芳之品、以及馬騾、

25 所羅門之厩、有服車之馬四千、騎一萬二千、或置藏車之邑、或在耶路撒冷畿內。

26 所羅門統轄列王、自大河至非利士人地、延及埃及境、

27 因王富有、耶路撒冷人視銀猶石、視柏香木猶原隰之桑。

28 人驅羣馬、自埃及列國而至、獻於所羅門。

29 先知拿單之書、示羅人亞希雅先知之書、與先見者易多、責尼八子耶羅破暗之書、載所羅門事特詳。

30 所羅門在耶路撒冷治以色列四十年。

31 所羅門薨、葬於父大闢之邑、子羅波暗繼位。

2 Chronicles

Chapter 9



1 And when the queen4436 of Sheba7614 heard8085 of the fame8088 of Solomon,8010 she came935 to prove5254 Solomon8010 with hard2420 questions2420 at Jerusalem,3389 with a very3966 great3515 company,2428 and camels1581 that bore5375 spices,1314 and gold2091 in abundance,7230 and precious3368 stones:68 and when she was come935 to Solomon,8010 she communed1696 with him of all3605 that was in her heart.3824

1 示巴女王、聞所羅門名、遄往耶路撒冷欲以言難王、僕從甚衆、有駝載芬芳之品、及金玉、難以悉計、入覲所羅門、以己意诘之。

2 And Solomon8010 told5046 her all3605 her questions:1697 and there was nothing3808 1697 hid5956 from Solomon8010 which834 he told5046 her not.

2 所羅門隨問而答、無所不知、明皙以告。

3 And when the queen4436 of Sheba7614 had seen7200 the wisdom2451 of Solomon,8010 and the house1004 that he had built,1129

3 示巴女王、見所羅門智慧具備、又觀其所建之殿、

4 And the meat3978 of his table,7979 and the sitting4186 of his servants,5650 and the attendance4612 of his ministers,8334 and their apparel;4403 his cupbearers4945 also, and their apparel;4403 and his ascent5944 by which834 he went5927 up into the house1004 of the LORD;3068 there was no3808 more5750 spirit7307 in her.

4 筵席臚陳、僕役班列、臣工酒正、衣朝服而侍、及耶和華殿所奉之燔祭、則神爲之奪。

5 And she said559 to the king,4428 It was a true571 report1697 which834 I heard8085 in my own land776 of your acts,1697 and of your wisdom:2451

5 告王曰、彼邑聞爾作爲、與爾智慧、其言不虛、

6 However, I believed539 not their words,1697 until5704 I came,935 and my eyes5869 had seen7200 it: and, behold,2009 the one half2677 of the greatness4768 of your wisdom2451 was not told5046 me: for you exceed3254 the fame8052 that I heard.8085

6 我初不信、及我涖臨、目擊斯事、乃知所聞猶不及所見之半也、爾之智慧全備、較我所聞、尤覺其多。

7 Happy835 are your men,582 and happy835 are these428 your servants,5650 which stand5975 continually8548 before6440 you, and hear8085 your wisdom.2451

7 爾羣臣、爾僕役、恒侍爾前、聞爾智慧、甚有福祉。

8 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 delighted2654 in you to set5414 you on5921 his throne,3678 to be king4428 for the LORD3068 your God:430 because your God430 loved160 Israel,3478 to establish5975 them for ever,5769 therefore made5414 he you king4428 over5921 them, to do6213 judgment4941 and justice.6666

8 當頌美爾上帝耶和華、以爾爲悅、使繼國位、代耶和華以臨民、因爾上帝恒愛以色列族、俾爾爲王、秉厥公義、以聽其訟。

9 And she gave5414 the king4428 an hundred3967 and twenty6242 talents3603 of gold,2091 and of spices1314 great3966 abundance,7230 and precious3368 stones:68 neither3808 was there any such1932 spice1314 as the queen4436 of Sheba7614 gave5414 king4428 Solomon.8010

9 示巴女王、饋所羅門金十八萬、以及寶石、更獻芬芳之品、不可勝數、前此未有若是之多也。

10 And the servants5650 also1571 of Huram,2438 and the servants5650 of Solomon,8010 which834 brought935 gold2091 from Ophir,211 brought935 algum418 trees6086 and precious3368 stones.68

10 希蘭之僕、偕所羅門僕、自阿妃載金玉檀木。

11 And the king4428 made6213 of the algum418 trees6086 terraces4546 to the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and to the king's4428 palace,1004 and harps3658 and psalteries5035 for singers:7891 and there were none3808 such1992 seen7200 before6440 in the land776 of Judah.3063

11 王以之作闌、飾於耶和華殿、及王宮、又作琴鼗爲謳歌者所用、自昔以來、在猶大地、未見若是之木。

12 And king4428 Solomon8010 gave5414 to the queen4436 of Sheba7614 all3605 her desire,2656 whatever3605 she asked,7592 beside905 that which834 she had brought935 to the king.4428 So she turned,2015 and went3212 away to her own land,776 she and her servants.5650

12 所羅門以物饋示巴女王、任其所欲、無論何求、皆以遺贈、厥後女王、與其臣僕返國。

13 Now the weight4948 of gold2091 that came935 to Solomon8010 in one259 year8141 was six8337 hundred3967 and three score8346 and six8337 talents3603 of gold;2091

13 除商賈與亞喇伯王、及列邦牧伯、貿易之金而外、所羅門歲得金九十九萬九千兩。

14 Beside905 that which chapmen582 8446 and merchants5503 brought.935 And all3605 the kings4428 of Arabia6152 and governors6346 of the country776 brought935 gold2091 and silver3701 to Solomon.8010

14 併於上節

15 And king4428 Solomon8010 made6213 two hundred3967 targets6793 of beaten7820 gold:2091 six8337 hundred3967 shekels of beaten7820 gold2091 went5927 to one259 target.6793

15 所羅門王以金之次者、作盾二百、每盾三百兩、

16 And three7969 hundred3967 shields4043 made he of beaten7820 gold:2091 three7969 hundred3967 shekels of gold2091 went5927 to one259 shield.4043 And the king4428 put5414 them in the house1004 of the forest3293 of Lebanon.3844

16 又用以作干三百、每干一百五十兩、王置之於宅、其宅曰利巴嫩林。

17 Moreover the king4428 made6213 a great1419 throne3678 of ivory,8127 and overlaid6823 it with pure2889 gold.2091

17 王用象牙作大座、飾以兼金、

18 And there were six8337 steps4609 to the throne,3678 with a footstool3534 of gold,2091 which were fastened270 to the throne,3678 and stays3027 on each side of the sitting3427 place,4725 and two8147 lions738 standing5975 by the stays:3027

18 座之階級有六、足凳與座相連、亦以金製、左右有柄、柄旁刻獅像、

19 And twelve8147 6240 lions738 stood5975 there8033 on the one side and on the other2088 on the six8337 steps.4609 There was not the like3651 made6213 in any3605 kingdom.4467

19 階級左右亦如之、共十有二、他國未能頡頏。

20 And all3605 the drinking4945 vessels3627 of king4428 Solomon8010 were of gold,2091 and all3605 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of the forest3293 of Lebanon3844 were of pure5462 gold:2091 none369 were of silver;3701 it was not any3972 thing accounted2803 of in the days3117 of Solomon.8010

20 所羅門王所飲之杯、悉以金製、利巴嫩林宅中所有器皿不以銀作、皆係兼金、當所羅門時、人弗以銀爲貴重。

21 For the king's4428 ships591 went1980 to Tarshish8659 with the servants5650 of Huram:2438 every three7969 years8141 once259 came935 the ships591 of Tarshish8659 bringing5375 gold,2091 and silver,3701 ivory,8143 and apes,6971 and peacocks.8500

21 希蘭僕駕王舟、至大失、三年一歸、載金銀象牙、猿猴、孔雀。

22 And king4428 Solomon8010 passed1431 all3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 in riches6239 and wisdom.2451

22 所羅門之智慧貨財、甲天下列王。

23 And all3605 the kings4428 of the earth776 sought1245 the presence6440 of Solomon,8010 to hear8085 his wisdom,2451 that God430 had put5414 in his heart.3820

23 上帝賦所羅門智慧、天下列王、咸求見焉。

24 And they brought935 every man376 his present,4503 vessels3627 of silver,3701 and vessels3627 of gold,2091 and raiment,8008 harness,5402 and spices,1314 horses,5483 and mules,6505 a rate1697 year8141 by year.8141

24 各饋禮物、歲有金銀、器皿、衣服、甲胄、芬芳之品、以及馬騾、

25 And Solomon8010 had1961 four702 thousand7239 505 stalls723 for horses5483 and chariots,4818 and twelve8147 6240 thousand7239 505 horsemen;6571 whom he bestowed3240 in the chariot7393 cities,5892 and with the king4428 at Jerusalem.3389

25 所羅門之厩、有服車之馬四千、騎一萬二千、或置藏車之邑、或在耶路撒冷畿內。

26 And he reigned4910 over all3605 the kings4428 from the river5104 even to the land776 of the Philistines,6430 and to the border1366 of Egypt.4714

26 所羅門統轄列王、自大河至非利士人地、延及埃及境、

27 And the king4428 made5414 silver3701 in Jerusalem3389 as stones,68 and cedar730 trees made5414 he as the sycomore8256 trees that are in the low8219 plains8219 in abundance.7230

27 因王富有、耶路撒冷人視銀猶石、視柏香木猶原隰之桑。

28 And they brought3318 to Solomon8010 horses5483 out of Egypt,4714 and out of all3605 lands.776

28 人驅羣馬、自埃及列國而至、獻於所羅門。

29 Now the rest7605 of the acts1697 of Solomon,8010 first7223 and last,314 are they not written3789 in the book1697 of Nathan5416 the prophet,5030 and in the prophecy5016 of Ahijah281 the Shilonite,7888 and in the visions2378 of Iddo3260 the seer2374 against5921 Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat?5028

29 先知拿單之書、示羅人亞希雅先知之書、與先見者易多、責尼八子耶羅破暗之書、載所羅門事特詳。

30 And Solomon8010 reigned4427 in Jerusalem3389 over5921 all3605 Israel3478 forty705 years.8141

30 所羅門在耶路撒冷治以色列四十年。

31 And Solomon8010 slept7901 with his fathers,1 and he was buried6912 in the city5892 of David1732 his father:25 and Rehoboam7346 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

31 所羅門薨、葬於父大闢之邑、子羅波暗繼位。